1502 Candle Co. was founded with a simple set of values in mind. Now, more than ever, those values resonate with our customers and also a larger group that is eager to learn about ways they can protect the environment. Recycling is one of the simplest and most effective steps you can take and we wanted to take a minute to step back and make sure we’re all familiar with the basicsRead on for how you can get started…

First Things First: Evaluate Your Shopping Habits


It goes without saying but first aim to reduce your consumption of single-use plastics and other throwaway items. Make sure you’re using reusable shopping bags for groceries, retail purchases, and any other type of shopping trip. If you haven’t already (no judging), invest in a high-quality water bottle and coffee cup, and think about any other small steps you can take in your everyday habits, like keeping silverware at work for the times you treat yourself to take-out. 

Understand All Materials Are Not Created Equally

Once you’ve evaluated when you can and cannot avoid purchasing non-reusable products, assess what these items are made from. Not every product’s packaging can be recycled and even if it can, that doesn’t necessarily make it a smart choice. The reason we use recycled glass and other non-plastic containers for our products is because these materials can be recycled again more easily and generally have smaller carbon footprints.

Curbside Pickup or Drop-Off: What Are Your Options?

If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you’re unsure whether your area is even serviced by a curbside recycling pick-up service. Just because you don’t have a dedicated bin doesn’t mean it isn’t an option so first, contact your local waste management provider. In some cases, they might simply need to add the service to your existing account. 

If your pickup service does not handle recycling, check whether you can find a new hauler. In smaller cities or more rural places, you might need to research drop-off locations instead

Research What’s Recyclable in Your Area


Just like pick-up and drop-off services vary from location-to-location, so do the specifics regarding what you can and cannot recycle. For example, some curbside services might process metals, cardboard, and plastics, but glass requires that you cart it to a dedicated center yourself. And don’t take the recycle symbol on the bottom of your detergent bottle to mean you can toss it into the bin without a second thought. Speaking of which, what do those numbers and symbols actually mean? Your local recycling program should be able to provide detailed information on which types of plastics they accept, among other specifics. 

Share Your Tips and Trick with Us

As sustainable lifestyle habits become more mainstream and easier to adopt (about time!), it inevitably becomes more difficult to sort recycling fact from fiction. Educating yourself, being an informed consumer, and taking part in these conversations are great ways to become more familiar with green living.

From a recycle and refill program to joining 1% for the Planet®, we’re excited about the big and small steps our company–and our customers–are taking every day to protect the environment. We’d love to hear what you’re doing! Reach out to 1502 Candle Co. online to learn more or share your own tips with us.

September 06, 2019 — Designer Collaborator

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